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How can I meet the needs of my learners when I go back?

As we enter the next chapter of the unknown, for many the  last week or so has kick started further planning but also creates room for some reflection. For me, it definitely has, but what does it mean for our learners? During the last few weeks I’ve spoken on the E&M Booth (new podcast!) and at #APnorth about what we need, but as we get closer I find more things ha to consider. Time, Flexibility & Understanding   I think it is important for our learners not to jump back into how things were prior to lockdown. Learners need time. We need time to talk and acknowledge what we have all just been through. We talk a lot about adapting planning to meet the needs of our learners but will their needs, need to be reassessed to some extent?  Some may need time to talk, others may need time to catch up, some may need time to feel comfortable being back in the classroom with other people after weeks of feeling safe at home. Everything we do to make our learning spaces feel wel...

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